woensdag 18 februari 2015

Test fitting

Tested the new handlebar. 
Looks the way I hoped it would. 
Need to narrow it a little bit more and weld it. 
Of course it will be wrapped in cotton grip tape in the end and i will remove the small speedo/tacho unit.

donderdag 12 februari 2015

Z-bar part 2

Started to make a new handlebar for Lucy. Because the kids are a sleep I have to do it without power tools. Takes hours but the result is looking promissing. 
Just a ordinary z-bar with a slight down-angle and pullback that has the same width as the wide glide fork. 
Unfortunately I ran out of welding gas, again. I really need to get a better gas supply.....and need to clean up my shed...

zondag 1 februari 2015

Winter modifications

Testfitting a dash/speedo i found at a swapmeet/internet. 
Not sure if this is the way I want to go but it sure looks a lot better than the fatbob tanks i have now. 
I also have a heavely dented fatbob tank that is slightly narrower at the bottom, a original peanut, a alien gastank, a mustang 
Decisions decisions...